And now, on a much lighter note (courtesy of Rosie's digital camera), here is the beginnings of my Tangled Yoke Cardigan. As you can see, kind of, I have the body done, and since the picture was taken, one sleeve. I'm using the recommended yarn, Rowan Felted Tweed. This is not my first encounter with Felted Tweed. Several years back, I cast on a Rowan sweater that had a Kid Silk Haze ruffle. I finished the fronts of the cardigan, and then the back, and then it was time to tackle the sleeve ruffle. What was I thinking? The ruffle was actually three ruffles, sewn together - so there were ruffles on the sleeves, and a ruffle on around the buttonband, neck, etc, all at least 300 stitches - knit three times over - uch! So, rather than poke my eyes out, I put the cardigan down, and when I picked it up the next season, ready to tackle the Kid Crack ruffles, the cardigan had fallen prey to the Great Moth Debacle of 2005. Lost forever, and I was secretly relieved.
But, I am happy to revisit the Felted Tweed. I had heard things about it splitting, but I'm loving it. I love the color, Avocado, and the light blue flecks. And, I love the long ribbing on the sleeves. Hopefully, I won't loose steam when it comes to the cabled yoke . . .
Also on my needles is this completely pettable - CASHMERE - scarf/wrap. I never did blog about Maryland Sheep and Wool - but if I had, you would have seen the stash of Hunt Valley cashmere I came home with. I had planned my knitting around Koigu scraps, and then as we all found out, the Koigu women didn't make the trip, and there were no mill ends to be had (although, some did find their way into Rosie's later on, and I have an endless project started in that - the Koigu madness I referred to a few posts back - no it wasn't limited to Charolotte's Web)

This is a Hunt Valley pattern - it's just Frost Flowers and Leaves with a little edging thing on the bottom. I can't even tell you how soft it is - I just can't believe goats are this soft. If they really are this soft, why don't we have them as like, lap goats?
And in off the needles news, the Brooks Farm Ribbi Pullover is finished - I just have to weave in the ends, and lug it to Rosie's for a photo session.
And, thanks for everyone's kind thoughts about my home invasion. All is well, I'm good - and no yarn was taken, thank goodness!
That scarf looks great!
PS, the Shetland #4 book is back in stock!!
I saw the Cashmere, live and in person. It is quite beautiful!
The cashmere looks amazing, beautiful pattern. I really want to knit Tangled Yoke. You know, along with my million and 1 projects, eh.
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