Mission accomplished - Kaffe is back on track! I guess . . . it kind of looks like poo to me, but I'm sure blocking will do wonders! Right? I can't even really tell you what's going on - there's a bit of Whiskey, Felted Tweed, Drops Alpaca, Rowan Scottish Tweed, and bits of other things in there - and as for the pattern, I'm just winging it. A little light here, a little dark there - throw some medium in - it's kind of the way I cook (which is probably why my Super Bowl chili, while absolutely delicious, did cause some digestive havoc). It's quite the hodge podge. I took it off the needles, and with a good blocking, it's going to fit - I think. If not, it will be a great gift for my skinny sister-in-law.
And, I finished my Elizabeth Zimmerman Yoke Sweater.

Anyway, that's Mr. Tall standing next to me - as you can kind of see, I come up to about, oh, his shoulder - it's like walking next to a wall sometimes, but I'm getting used to it.

I was so pleased with my first Knitting Workshop excursion, that I've started another EZ extravaganza. As I started talking about below, this is going to be a saddle shoulder sweater, with fair isle sleeves, and a solid body.

The sewing - that's run far behind in third - dreaded seams!
And, this Saddle Shoulder creation, my friends, is going to be the last thing I cast on this winter. I mean it, truly. I went through all of my unfinished projects, and while I'm not nuts enough to believe that I can get them all done - I've made a queue, and I'm determined to clear some of them out - Monster Manos Blanket, the Tangled Yoke cardigan, stalled midway through the second sleeve, Martha, in a holding pattern 3/4's of the way through the back, a slipstitch cardigan from Vogue that I started years ago, that is only 2 inches away from being finished, the Anemoi mittens, and the Frankenmitts. Oh, there are more - but that's the finishing pile - by June. Of course, there's always that Maryland Sheep and Wool excursion that could throw me from my course - but that's still a good bit away. And, since I did the Auto Show with Mr. Tall this weekend, and I don't drive, I think he will be doing MSW with me in May - and that will, alas, probably curb my spending. Well, not so probably, probably definitely . . .
I confess that at the first quick glance I did think it was odd that you had posed so close to the wall! And then my focus sharpened and my brain stopped filling in misc info and I saw that it was in fact a person you were snuggled up to. Too bad that if Mr. Tall were included in the photo, we'd either lose half your sweater or his head!
Damn, that's a tall man!
LOVE the cocoon sweater!
Loving the finished sweater (and human wall looks good too). Both seem to really suit you!
I think the hodge-podge sweater is going to be appealing too. I need to find me some fair-isle to cheat on with my Kauni - when my ship comes in. (No, literally, waiting for our shipping form the UK).
I love your new sweater. And as for Mr. Tall, speaking as the 5'0" wife of a 6'4" husband, someday you'll realize that you don't even notice. I have a totally skewed perspective on height. After 15 years together, a short person must be shorter than me and a tall person has to be taller that him. That leaves a very large window of "normal"!
Love all of your projects, especially the Zimmerman. Beautiful.
Gorgeous EZ Sweater. And the Saddle Shoulder in the making is just beautiful - love that cranberry color. Hello Mr. Tall's Left side!!!
Great EZ sweater. Makes me want to paw through my stuff.
It'll be interesting to see how you solve the saddle intarsia. That's part of the fun...sorting out little techniques.
Mr. Tall, really is tall! Not that I didn't believe you or anything. ;)
The EZ sweater is gorgeous. I love how you did matching colorwork on the sleeves.
I've been thinking that I needed a big, cozy sweater, loose-fitting, maybe some texture or color, but mostly neutrally-gray...yours is certainly inspirational!
Your sweater is gorgeous. You look so happy in the picture too!
Love your finished sweater! All of your colorwork projects look great! I'm such a chicken when it comes to trying intarsia/fair isle. Oh, and Mr. Tall is seriously tall! Wow.
I really like the EZ sweater you finished. The purple/pink and magenta colors really stand out against the neutral background, in a great way. I love what you're doing with the saddle shoulder sweater too. The colors look amazing next to each other.
Good luck with finishing your projects. It's amazing to me when we put down a project that's so close to being finished.
I love how your sweater turned out. I can't wait to see it in person.
The Cocoon sweater is fab!
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