As part of Operation Clean Up, not only have I been making my house cleaner, as in you can eat on the floor, I've been making it more functional - as in, you don't have to eat on the floor. Yes, I finally broke down and bought an expandable table for my living room. No more dining on the ottoman, I have a real table. And, voila - a place for the table runner I knit for Lisa Shobhana Mason's book,
YarnPlay Home

When Lisa asked me to help her out with the book, I had the choice of knitting a table runner or a bathmat. Hmmmm . . . and the girl without the table picked the table runner. But, that was ok - it was an easy knit, although not a quick knit - it's very long, although narrow, and it was a bit hard on my hands, it's knit in hemp. But, as you can see, the finished project was worth the effort.

So, if you haven't checked out the book, and your house needs a bit of sprucing up, you should. Written in the same vein as YarnPlay, all of the projects have room for your own touch, and more than a dash of creativity. Not only can you throw some splashes of color and texture in your own home, the book has great gift ideas, like a wine cozy, a tea cozy, and an cd case cover, among other things.
So, while I generously got a gift, signed copy of the book from Lisa, I probably would have bought it anyway - a great companion to the original.
So, there's one old project that finally found its place - on to what's new - or going to be new - because, keeping to my No New Projects until the Manos Madness blanket is complete (14 blocks to go!!), I have not cast on anything new since the Mukluks. Right now, I'm working on Martha from Rowan Studio in the Manos Silk blend - yum. Can't even tell you how much I love knitting with this yarn. But, you shall see - the back, and one front are done -- it should be done sometime next week.
And then the Kaffe - really, the Kaffe.
And then, I have on word for you - STARMORE!
Just call me crazy, that's really all I can say about this project at this point!

I found this pattern on ebay - in Vogue Knitting Fall 1989. Individual copies of the magazines sell for up to $30 on ebay, but I found this one in a lot of four 80's Vogue's - I almost felt like I was stealing when I clicked the Buy Now for $12.50 button, but that's the world of ebay commerce! The pattern is knit in Jamieson and Smith's shetland, and Courtney and I did our best to substitute all TWENTY colors with Jamieson's Spindrift. I have no idea when I'm going to get started on this - I'm sure in a moment of madness - hmmm, just like when I stared the Manos blanket!
Hey, and that's your runner on the back of the book, yes? Awesome!
Just curious, did you wash the hemp first or no? I've heard it said that can make it easier on your hands...
Okay, I am extremely jealous!! You can eat on the floor! You don't have to eat on the floor!! And, such a deal on Alice! I love the colors!!!
Cast on! Cast On!
- I'm just a little enabler, sitting here in the big yarn pile.
Yay! Your knitting is famous, Wendy :)
I need to get on the housecleaning kick too. However, taking a break to look at blogs is not helping ;)
I can't wait to see what you come up with, doing the Alice Starmore. And finish your Kaffe!
The table runner is beautiful. You did a great job with it.
I can't wait to see what you do with Starmore!
Well the runner looks wonderful and it looks like it prompted you to buy furniture. Too funny!
Oh and thank you for the congratulations on my new job! It's within the same non-profit I work for (cancer research) but it is a promotion into a different department. I am loving it so far!
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